Real Song Theme Tune: "Knights of the Zodiac", the DiC dub of Saint Seiya, used the Bowling for Soup cover of A Flock of Seagulls song "I Ran (So Far Away)", and "Today is Gonna Be a Great Day"."Rashomon"-Style: "I'll Always Remember You (That Way)" is about a past romantic tryst as narrated by the former lovers (emphasizing rather different details of the same event).At the reunion, he gets revenge on her by eating various disgusting things to make himself puke all over her. Potty Failure: One of the flashbacks in the music video of "High School Never Ends" shows a cheerleader acting friendly towards an awkward-looking boy while secretly slipping Ex-Lax into his drink.Not that there's anything wrong with being gay. You'll tell the world I'm gay / when you hear me say / that I really and truly feel this way. Drunk Rolling: In "I Think You Like Me Too", the singer initially claims that he got jukebox money from a friendly biker.Double Entendre: "My Wena" seems like a long dick joke until The Reveal in the video, which shows that it's actually about a weiner dog named Wena.It takes her husband calling from across the street for the band to stop staring at her and give her an awkward applause as she covers herself up and scampers back to her house. Distracted by the Sexy: The end of the "1985" video with the housewife dancing on top of the car.Deadpan Snarker: Their songs are normally quite cheerful, but they can also get impressively sarcastic."Stacy's Mom:" Because everyone thought they did it anyway.Currently the alternate versions include acoustic, boy-band, and polka. ∻elgium: A special case in that they themselves wrote and recorded the original, but continue to cover it in new styles as hidden tracks on their albums.The Bowling for Soup version though is in a different key and has slight alterations to the lyrics to make the song less bitter and more of a celebration of The '80s. "1985" is a song by their friends in SR-71.Cover Version: .Baby One More Time ∿ive O∬lock World Gilligans Island Theme I Melt With You I Ran (So Far Away) Jimmy Neutron Theme Lil Red Riding Hood London Bridge Sick Of Myself Spanish Harlem Speed Racer Summer of ∖9 "Circle".Continuity Nod: In their music video for their song, 'S-S-S-Saturday,' they wear the blue tuxes from their earlier album cover for Drunk Enough to Dance.Cluster F-Bomb: Their song "My Hometown.".Changing Chorus: "Highschool Never Ends" makes minor shifts to the chorus.Also, arguably, the reprise of "Ohio (Come Back to Texas)" on A Hangover You Don't Deserve, which continues the Long List of famous Texans who miss the singer's girlfriend from that song's breakdown. Call-Back: The hidden outro track on Great Burrito Extortion Case fades in after about a minute of silence at the end of "If You Come Back To Me", and consists of Studio Chatter discussing the subject of every other track on the album, over a loop of the jaunty "la-la-la-laaaaaa" chorus from "I'm Gay".Different from most in that the singer feels bad about not having done more to make the relationship work, and features an I Want My Beloved to Be Happy.
Bittersweet Ending: "Graduation Trip" ends with the singer and his girlfriend ultimately drifting apart, due to them getting together on a four-day-long trip and living in separate states, but it's clear there's no bitterness on either end, and the singer is glad to hear the girl is doing well.